Sandringham Flats
Improvement Project
About our improvement works
We have completed the estate improvement works at Sandringham Flats.
One year after works began the scaffold has been removed and the main contractor, Durkan has concluded site activities.
The buildings are looking much improved with the new windows and new decorations.

The external renovation included the following works
- Replacement of windows to front and rear
- Replacement of flat entrance doors with new fire doors
- Repairs to external masonry including brick and render repairs
- External redecorations
- Internal redecoration of communal areas
- New lighting to communal areas
- Replacement of older electrical mains services
- Fire safety and compliance works
- Installation of video door entry system
Key Updates
Extensive remedial work was required to the external structure to make good general deterioration to the facades. There had been significant weathering to elements of the masonry and in particular to the decorative render features around the windows, much of which appeared to be the original decorative finishes. Damage has occurred because the internal iron reinforcement had corroded resulting in cracks and spalling to the render and necessitating extensive repairs. Repairs have been completed and redecoration of the external elevations was then carried out.
We appreciate that the work has been disruptive to residents and neighbours of the building and would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during the course of these very necessary works.
We would like to thank everyone involved in the project who helped to bring it to a successful conclusion.
Please contact us if you have any queries about the project.
Durkan Resident Liaison Officer – Hanzel Forbes
Soho Housing Project Manager – Mark Kapszewicz
Soho Housing Management Team
New windows and decorative finishes.
We had to carry out extensive concrete and render repairs to remedy damage to the external decorative features.
Render repairs have been crafted to match the existing profiles and detailing of the render features in preparation for redecoration.
Damage to decorative render finishes

New windows and decorative finishes.

Render repairs to match existing profiles

New windows and decorative finishes.